Glutathione the Master Antioxidant

If there is one nutrient that is working OVERTIME in your body, it is Glutathione the Master Antioxidant. It is called the master antioxidant because it works hard to detox your body from toxins that we are exposed to everyday. We live in a toxic world in which heavy metals, chemicals, plastics, and especially here in South Florida….MOLD. Glutathione helps to keep our bodies functioning optimally by eliminating all of these external toxins. So…let’s learn more about this potent detoxifier!

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is produced in the liver and can be found in nearly every cell of the body. Comprised of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamate, Glutathione supports energy production, scavenges free radicals, reduces inflammation, and boosts your immunity. Recent research finds that Glutathione depletion has been strongly associated with the diseases and loss of function with aging. (1)

Why We Need to Supplement Glutathione if Our Bodies Already Make it

Even though the human body naturally produces glutathione on its own, many environmental stressors and toxins can deplete levels in the body:

  • a poor diet
  • mold
  • medications
  • stress
  • illness
  • environmental toxins
  • heavy metals, such as dental amalgams

We are all, unfortunately, exposed to a large amount of toxins every single day. Many of the toxins we are exposed to are apparent t o us, smoking, cleaning products, exhaust fumes, etc. However, many of the chemicals that are basic ingredients in products we use everyday (plastics, makeup, personal care products, packaged foods and more) can deplete our glutathione levels.

Glutathione plays an important role in many cellular processes, including the progression of a number of human diseases, including cancer, diseases of aging, cystic fibrosis, and cardiovascular, inflammatory, immune, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases. (2) Studies have shown that patients with autoimmune issues tend to have lower levels of glutathione than those without an autoimmune disorder. (3) The consequences of our increasingly toxic world can be seen in the increasing rates of allergies, asthma, cancer, and autoimmune disease over the last half century. Therefore, without enough of this important nutrient, your body can become sick or make your symptoms worse if you are already ill.

While it seems depressing and a bit scary to think about the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, there is something we can do. Minimizing our exposure to certain toxins and supporting our detoxifying pathways (more on this below) is a great way to start. By supplementing glutathione, we can optimize our body\’s own detoxification system, which in turn will optimize our overall health.

The Health Benefits of Glutathione

Relieves Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress occurs which is when your DNA becomes damaged due to free radicals and antioxidants in your blood. Oxidative stress is a critical factor in the onset of many chronic illnesses, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. One of the primary functions of glutathione is to neutralize a broad spectrum of free radicals and to relieve oxidative stress.

Detoxifies Mold
Most of the mold we encounter throughout our day is harmless, but certain types of mold produce chemicals that are toxic. Toxic mold exposure can cause serious disease, from autoimmune disease to cancer. Mycotoxins from mold can build up in your system and lead to a whole host of symptoms and issues, including:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Chronic burning in the throat and nasal passages
  • Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath
  • Loss of balance/Vertigo
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Skin issues/rashes
  • Eye irritation or tearing of the eyes
  • Headache and/or light sensitivity
  • Hearing loss
  • Heightened sensitivity to chemicals and foods
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Morning stiffness and/or joint pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep problems
  • Poor memory, difficulty finding words
  • Slower reaction time
  • Vision changes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or bloating
  • Unusual skin sensations, tingling, and numbness
  • Increased urinary frequency or increased thirst
  • Disorientation and/or dizziness
  • Static shocks or metallic taste in the mouth

Yes, ALL of these signs and symptoms can and have been traced backed to mycotoxin exposure. As your body’s “master detoxifier”, glutathione can binds to these toxins and pull them out of your system so you can safely and effectively flush them out of your body.

Boosts Energy!
Glutathione is responsible for many other antioxidants that are located in your cells, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10, and Ubiquinol. Glutathione the master antioxidant allows your cells to work at their best by regulating these important nutrients.

Supports Immunity
As I mentioned above, low levels of glutathione can be  a critical factor in the onset of certain conditions. And thus, without enough glutathione, your body is more susceptible to attacks on your immune system. Optimizing your glutathione levels can support your immune system by enhancing your cellular health and white blood cell count (immune cells that help you to fight against infections and disease).

How to Naturally Increase Glutathione in Your Body

Supplementing with glutathione is something I prescribe to almost all of my patients, as it is very important for those with autoimmune disease. I suggest many different types of glutathione, but liposomal glutathione supplements are the best way for the body to absorb than non-liposomal alternatives.

Quicksilver’s Liposomal Glutathione is one of our best-selling mercury detox supplements because of the rapid and complete uptake that it offers.

I also prescribe Glutathione IVs to almost everybody. We know that as a potent antioxidant and detoxifier, Glutathione plays a big part in the immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes, and other toxins and carcinogens. But, it also builds and repairs tissues, which means it’s an excellent skin brightener and wrinkle reducer. 😉 Glutathione protects enzyme proteins that inhibit collagen-digesting enzymes that cause damage to the skin, leading to wrinkles, or in the area of acne lesions, leading to scars.

I also take Glutathione Supplements and IVs myself every single day. I’m often asked which supplement I suggest over any other, and my answer is frequently Glutathione. This Powerful antioxidant is one we shouldn’t go without! If you’re ready to see the incredible effects of glutathione the master antioxidant yourself, be sure to give us a call at 561-283-1166 to book an IV today. Or, buy our Quicksilver Liposomal Gluathione online today in our supplement store.

Tringali Vibrant Health Functional Medicine Experts

About Tringali Vibrant Health

Founded by Functional Medicine Expert Elizabeth Tringali, PA-C, Tringali Vibrant Health is a Functional Medicine and Integrative Practice that looks for the root causes of your health issues to restore optimal, VIBRANT health.

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